The Sexual Assault Center of East Tennessee (SACET) was founded in 1973 as the Knoxville Rape Crisis Center and remains one of two comprehensive community sexual assault agencies in the state of Tennessee; serving 16 counties. SACET provides victims of sexual assault with the support, information and resources needed throughout the recovery process. Advocates work to ensure that survivors’ legal rights are protected, while also empowering them. Clients of SACET receive support every step of the way from the time of crisis to their journey of healing.
The Helen Ross McNabb Foundation raised $1 million to support the needs of survivors during their time of healing. Often, when a survivor arrives at SACET, they have fled their residence unexpectedly and have no additional clothing or supplies for daily l living. SACET Wille sure that the basic, daily needs of survivors are being met. Campaign funds will ensure a victims support fund for at least 20 years with a rate of approximately $50,000 per year.